Monday, April 17, 2006

toyama city, new-australian-friend-from-last-night's computer, sitting on the floor

well - the rain continued. from kyoto to osaka to nara, some of the best of japan, really, and on into gifu.. i did visit some friends and did see some amazing temples, etc. but the whole souther half of the country cancelled their ohanami plans to rain and the wind and rain scattered petals on the streets and left piles of them in the gutters.

by the time i got to takayama, somewhere in the japan alps, the rain had quit - but i had gained so much elevation that i could see SNOW on the hills all around and the sakura were off by another week. i left that place after some fridged site-seeing and rolled up to toyama. my timing was perfect and the weather was holding. i finally got to do my ohanami thing and really made a night of it! sold some cds and met some cool people who let me crash at their place!

on a mac now, so i can't get the ap i need to upload you these pictures - but soon!

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