Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm sorry.

This blog has been ignored for so long that I'm sure no one even bothers checking anymore. And you know, i deserve that. I've been a lousy blogger. Nearly-a/Over-a year has passed since i freed up the few minutes it takes to pass on even a good word to those of you who take would be kind enough to take the time to read it. It's a selfish and miserable thing that I've done. I have nothing in the way of excuses other than the bewilderment of a mind still heavy from trekking through a mire of joblessness and self doubt.

I've been not-laboring under the assumption that, "if [i don't] have something nice to say, then [I] shouldn't say anything at all". It's a sign of good upbringing, and my get-along-a'tude has never been better for it. Still, it doesn't pay to never bother saying anything at all. so fuck that noise, I'm going to recklessly reclaim this space and spit the truth for the emptiness to bear. {-The audience is now DeF-}

I can't promise that I won't do the same thing all over again, but the fact that I've cleared the room is more than enough reason for me to just sing to myself and fill the void.


Eric Kampe said...

Did you hear something? Who said that?

Ranna said...

Oh my goodness! Are you in Santa Cruz? That's where I was 10 years ago. Ranna

Anonymous said...

I want to know more about Galax and Virginia mountains! Any more pictures?

Zina said...

I'm still here!