Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bumper Sticker Subtext

This is what your bumper-sticker is NOT stating in the form of a snappy, memorable quip.

[Think Globally, Act Typically]

[.. and therefore I’m morally and ethically superior to all of (you)]

[God Bless America (and to hell with those other jokers)]

[Passive Aggressive Driver]

[Though purchasing this sticker was the extent of my action on this issue]

[Keep Santa Cruz (Wealthy/White)]

[They were passing out these stickers in front of Trader Joes]

[My other car is (that electric wheelchair at the grocery store)]

[Vote out of subconscious fear of dark-skinned minorities ‘08]

[Everyone should do what I think. And I think a lot. Really.]

[And We Complain More..]

[Metallica! (What up, Class of ’89?!)]

[My kid’s an honor student (and put this sticker on my car without asking)]

[Driver actually believes that (you) will change]

[Desperate attempt to be indie-cool]

[Vote to piss off my parents in ’08.. (Unless I’m hung-over)]

[Small Penis!]


Kaori said...

I like your stickers full of sarcasm! especially, [Everyone should do what I think. And I think a lot. Really.]

Zina said...

I was in Santa Cruz for a quick coffee a week and a half ago(visiting rellies in San Francisco), then I met Ranna in London and she reminded me that you were here! Ah!