Tuesday, November 22, 2005

getting back to basics

wait a second - i didn't come to japan to WORK!! i didn't move to japan to make money! why on earth did i want that crappy job anyway?! clearly money was not a motivating factor in my leaving my engineering job to teach english in japan. the whole bloody point was to get out there and see the world! live it! experience it! the whole point was to avoid wasting my youth stuck in a cubical! what made me think that i should spend the next few months working for Nova?!

i guess i got stuck in my new shoes - thinking that japan has a good economy on a global scale - that my japanese yen can carry me far in and around asia - that i should be saving it! but that's ignoring the fact that i am already living abroad and there's so much i haven't seen and done here. i guess i just got used to japan. i'm in the groove and i've sunk in deep enough that i'm no longer an awe-struck traveler. but that's all just a state of mind - it's time i used my time better and get out there and love it again!

you might even say that my current situation is optimal. if i'm making any more money than i absolutely need to support myself (and my rock&roll lifestyle) that's just evidence of time spent working that could have been better spent soaking up the experience~ teaching privates and odd gigs is great! i'm only really working a few hours a day and i have total control of my schedule!! how many people in japan can even say that?! i live in a culture where lifetime enslavement to one's work is the norm! even working conditions for foreigners isn't good by any american standard. i've found a loop-hole and i'm self-employed and i love it! sure, a little bit more cash would help me travel around a little bit more and go out more often (it's been a while since i treated myself to karaoke). but i'm the man - i can round up a little cash without working for someone else! of course, it will be difficult if i don't want to play FUCKING SANTA CLAUS!!!

~the kid's alright~

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