It's a 2 layer yellow cake. The "rolls" are rice krispie treats flattened and rolled up with marshmallow and red and green fruit roll-ups, then rolled in red sprinkles for "fish eggs". The other sushi is red and green fruit roll ups and marshmallow. The leaf is made of homemade green fondant, the ginger is peach fondant. The wasabi is frosting, and the fortune cookie is real!
i'll remind everyone to get their orders in for all of their holiday custom cakes!
still in LA, car's still in the shop..
i'm seeing some great music! i'm meeting some cool bands who are definitely interested in participating in the spring. i've seen some good venues. i've finally got a few student organizations on the line. but what can i tell you of my concrete progress? not much.
i'm getting there though - here's my best foot forward: hear streaming audio, watch live performances, and read all about it on myspace!!
here are the bands i'm promoting for their debut tour in the US of A~
everyone check it out and tell me what you think!
more cakes and web updates?! mike!! get to the good stuff~
ok, ok - here's a little something for kicks:
i drove about 5 fully residential blocks down condon before i got to the 11110 block and i thought, "no fucking way is this address right." i was looking for a place called "the Hole" to see ninja academy play a free show on a saturday night. just to be sure, i parked and got out car to take a closer look. the house where the Hole should have been was little and not much unlike the others. the house on the left had a creative front lawn complete with raging bull bush sculptures. the house on the right had 1, 2, 3 direct tv dishes pointing out into space. planes flew low overhead. this couldn't be the place. i couldn't hear any music, but i noticed there was some dark hanging plastic between the house and.. what looked like a.. in fact was.. a porto-john. hello? i pulled the plastic away and wandered into the backyard where a couple high-school aged kids were standing around with beers and nodding to house-trance.
"am i at the right place? i'm looking for the hole."
"oh, you've come to the right place man - you're standing in it."
the hole is a backyard in fucking lennox - not far from the airport. they have a stage, a sound system, a bar, and red lanterns hanging from big tree. ninja academy showed up and i got to know them better. very cool guys. we hung out and talked shop. then the first band, some recent high-school dropouts called don't throw rocks at us, played new-wave, minimalist schlock with a disco beat. fun stuff. then ninja academy rocked my socks off!!
tamie trots out in her kimono complete with converse shoes. she bangs a gong. "konichiwa, bitches. i'd like to introduce the ninja academy, indo ninja and outdo ninja."
they come out in full ninja garb - masked, shrouded under cover of night - the NA symbol embroidered on their backs. it's just two of them. into plays bass, outdo plays drums - but they rock and wind and swirl - melodic, mystic then aggressive and heavy. there's really nothing doing.. you'll just have to see them for yourself. their martial artist, donkey punch, kneels at the foot of the stage, disciplined and motionless - then reaches into a guitar case and pulls out his nunchucks! wa-PA! he knocked us out with a masterful display of deadly skill and grace. he took a big open area in front of the stage, performing with open hands, staff, pike, and even blindfolded. some routines featured an apathetic fan dance from the lip-ringed tamie. unbelievable - the audience was completely entranced (and stoned).
an incredible performance by ninja academy -
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