this is the rock&roll, sweet-ass cake sharon made for deborah on her birthday! holy crap!! she said that it's chocolate and that the stings are made out of asian noodles. it sucks that i missed it, but i'm really excited about it anyway. yeah - ok - now that you've seen it..
Los Angeles, CA. Granny's house, granny's computer - granny's birthday.
OMG! monday was my first day of METAL SKOOL!! actually, i went to hollywood with bill and we saw an 80's cover band called, metal skool. but it was AWESOME!! holy crap - they really achieved mighty metal-hood wearing leopard print spandex and long flowing wigs. they did bon jovi, van halen, whitesnake. their act and on-stage banter was decade-appropriate too. they even did high fives. i'm just happy that the test of time has proven that metal is comedy.. awesome.
other than that, it's been business as usual.
things are good! i think i'm getting things done. i alerted you to the massive, super-smoking-hot updates to myspace. (if you haven't surf over their now and see the psycrons video! NOW!!) that was something i worked on to stay abreast of my talking the talk. i sent out emailes to all of the japan-related student organizations requesting a meeting to try and spin my show to them. i've only heard back from one, but it's the big player, the UCLA japanese student association. i'll meet with them monday and hopefully get them amped about my bands! when i called the college radio people, i ended up talking to the chick in the on-air room. she wasn't useful, so i just requested something japanese. then she said it was a classic rock show so i requested the who~ so i net radioed her (can you believe that's how you spell "radioed"? i frigging can't.) and she intro-ed it out to me. nice..
i've been scouring the web for local asian-rock musicians~ i posted a creig's list ad and a few misguided model/actress showbiz types emailed me. their amusing resumes include things like, Stunts / Some Martial Arts / Stage Combat, 5'3" @ 108 lbs. 34D(Natural), and Official Hooters' Intl Swimsuit Calendar Model for Sept 2005. they always include head and full body shots.. yikes.
anyway, i meeting with another guy friday from 7 samurai records. he represents a few japanese bands that are operating in the states. one in particular would be rock-ass perfect for this show. he's optimistic, we'll see how it goes.
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