Monday, May 29, 2006

perth, britannia on william youth hostel 'compuda' - one of several, $3 AUD / hour. raining - still, not bad weather all things relative (to michigan).

i played a little guitar in this trendy outdoor mall yesterday. i saw other "musicians" doing their trade there in the afternoon, but the only thing they really succeeded in doing was habitualizing the pedestrians to ignoring street performers. no luck. anyway, persuaded by the sudden onset of boredom and bad weather, i've decided to jump a last-min. flight to cairns! i should be on the great barrier reef by the end of the week!!

tonight is my big chance to hit the town with deborah and her friends, we'll probably check out the infamous brass monkey bar just down the street from here~

lazy-ass kangaroos Posted by Picasa

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