Monday, May 22, 2006

perth, australia. deborah's dorm room, deborah's cute little powerbook.

oi - only 3 flights and 18 hours from phuket to perth~ deborah and her friends greeted me at the airport!

my last days in thailand were spent going backwards through my travels via return-ticket. i did get a chance to try a few more new foods and spent the last of my bhat on some mekong whiskey to share with my guys (the next time we're all together, dudes - let that day be soon). so much more to see - so much more to explore. i can't really put my finger on what i like so much about thailand. there's entertainment and natural beauty in limitless abundance, but there's something endearing about the place - an otherworldly charm that sucks people in so completely that they never leave! lucky i got out when i did, but i want to go back someday.

i've seen a little bit of perth - not much yet, but it seems like a chill city with some sweet beaches~ today we went to this animal park that had fallen into total disrepair. there were giant dinosaur statues scattered around the park and the animals had FREE REIGN!! it was kind of sureal, actually. we saw lamas, kangaroos, peacocks and variations on those themes. then we got to pet little koalas! i'll upload some pics.

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