oh, man! days of solid hiking and rock climbing~ so much fun! we were out on the wall in the sun, rain, cold, and dark! it was cool - alina and eric's brother chris are both pretty good. chris would lead climb a wall and clip into the bolts as he went. when he got to the top, he'd run the rope through the bolts at the top of the route and come back down. then we would take turns climbing up one after another with someone belaying from the bottom. they know their stuff, so we were safe and i learned a lot. it's hard work, man - we were drinking beer through straws because our arms were so tired~
yesterday i worked my first day at the costume shop! i got suited up, and spent some time on the floor. it was rough - i couldn't find anything.. it's such a huge place and their organization is bunk! later, i got to stock up some stuff and spent the day learning the lay of the land. eric and alina popped in to check on me and look around. they couldn't get over it! "what a fun job!" - well, it would be if not for the stone-cold bitches that work there. hardened over a decade of service, these women have come to hate everyone and everything.. especially new people or temporary employees. they spent the day pushing me around and being generally unpleasant. "hey - want a job to do? can you run across the street and pick up food for me?" - i rose above it, and i was as pleasant as i could be, but already i'm happy that this is just a temporary thing.
here i am in my costume posing with a rack of prosthetics - i'll keep these coming~

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