Santa Fe, NM. SF international hostel - converted from an old adobe motel. dorms $15, food in the kitchen, wireless $2/day - lousy reputation, but not all that bad, really.
by the way, that "official map" of route 66 was a complete piece of shit! it was like one of those cartoonie maps you see in theme parks - cute, but effectively useless. i drove off into the bleak nothingness of texas and put myself an hour off course before realizing that i'm an idiot. i eventually made it back to reality - and i use the term loosely - and then took the interstate all the way to albuquerque. i still got a chance to revel in the absurdity of the route 66 kitsch~ i pulled over to peruse through some of the bigger, more obscene gift shops - even bought me a hat!
i rolled in and got myself set up at the route 66 youth hostel in albuquerque. the lady behind the desk gave me a very thorough tour at top speed - the whole thing only took about 5 minutes and included all the light switches.. impressive. it was the first hostel i've ever stayed at that had mandatory chores - i emptied out the recycling bins into the appropriate containers outside. i hung around the hostel with some of the random people that stay at these places. then i changed into blue jeans and put on my wing-tip shoes - set on wearing my hat out on the town. i walked around, had a micro-brew.. not much to report.
the next day i got up and made eggs and toast for breakfast (provided by the hostel - score). then i jumped in my car and drove out to hike around in the wilderness area outside of town. i did about 10 miles on the la luz trail up to a scenic view point - couldn't do the full 14 to the ridge because i was running out of water and my feet were protesting. it was big, dry, beautiful new mexico. i didn't see any bears or rattle snakes, but i did see a road runner and some fatty-fat lizards~
last night i stayed in santa fe. i walked in and dropped my stuff and this russian guy, maxum, grabbed me to drive up the mountains and watch the sunset - if i was only staying one night i simply had to go! it was a little overcast and we were a little late - but it was cool. we met some girls with dogs up there and went out to meet their friends for beers and mexican food. good fun. i was wrecked from that hike and crashed early. this morning it was more chores (washed the sinks, counter, and mirror) and more provided breakfast!
today i drive on to boulder, colorado to see eric and meredith! this will be my last bit of driving for a little while. the plan is to stay there for a few weeks and get some work'n in if i can..
last weekend, my grandma shannon passed away. i will be flying back to michigan on friday to be with my family and attend her service monday in hart, MI. she was loved and will be missed.
the hat.