every other bike in the country is exactly like this one too - it's like a communist ration bicycle or something. they all have the basket on the front and the rack on the back (that's where you put your wife). they all have the same little light with wheel generator and the same little bell.
i think that they have been government regulated to suck so that people will fear and respect them and give them the proper right of way - that is, the get-the-hell-out-of-the way. still after all the sucking this bike does, it has greatly improved my mobility. bikes here go everywhere. the sidewalk, the street, the subway, the mall. some even fold in half and go in the closet.
everywhere i go, people are riding their bicycles. Sometimes they talk on their cell phones. sometimes it rains and they carry an umbrellas AND they talk on their cell phones. the men wear their suites and their ties and carry their brief cases on their bicycles. the women wear their heels and their skirts and go shopping for their name brand clothes on their bicycles. old people on bicycles go slow. *ring *ring! young people on bicycles go fast! *whoosh! babies on bicycles sit in the baskets. dogs on bicycles sit with the babies. *woof! a little lady on a big bicycle - go lady, go! a big man on a little bicycle - go man, go! a girl in a school uniform sits on the front of her boyfriend's bicycle. a girl with platform shoes stands on the back of her boyfriend's bicycle. go girls, go! go, boyfriends, go! 2 people on a bicycle having tea. 3 people on a bicycle having sake. where are they going? they are going fast! they are going to that train station over there.. what's happening at that train station over there? why, it's a bicycle party! a BIG bicycle party! a big bicycle party with sake and tea! look at all the people on their bicycles. aren't they happy?

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